kitchen counters

The kitchen counter has gone through many transformations. Years back we all embraced the laminate counter as it was the best option at the time. It was cleaner than wood, or tiles with grout. And the colour options didn’t stop coming! But it didn’t take long before solid surface countertops were all the rage, turning your kitchen counters into a natural beauty with sparkly granites found from all over the world!

We totally embraced the granite counter, but then, like all good design, it too became dated in certain colour waves. Now, more and more of us look to quartz counters as our favourite go-to solid surface counter. Made of a composite of natural stones, it is much more durable for stains, and the colours and swirls of the latest ones are anything but man-made looking.

Extra large slabs of porcelain is starting to come into light for counter tops too, allowing longer expanses of counters to go without that infamous seam. What a treat!

So now that we have the counters all sorted out (until the next big innovation), we are making changes to the thicknesses too. Right now it’s a big thing to go for a very thick counter for a truly luxurious look. With mitred corners being easier to manufacture, the ‘thick’ counter is actually not that thick, but rather just looks thick on the edges. This allows less weight on the cabinets and of course saves on materials too. And with that, the thick counter top craze is born.

Here are some really great examples of many beautiful kitchens with ‘thick’ counter tops, achieved with the simple method of mitred edges. Quite hefty and gorgeous looking, wouldn’t you say?