‘less is more’ for real now… but let’s call it practical living

You may have heard the term in design - ‘less is more’. For me, that has always held true as I would prefer to see one (or three) beautiful things, rather than a bunch. If there is too much, the pieces become one and it’s hard to appreciate any one of them.

Before the pandemic, the trend was starting to lean towards more, or maximilism as they were calling it. The magazines were showing a lot more colour, the mixing of colourful fabrics, and in general, just more stuff around. As a designer, I like to embrace the trends and then put my own spin on them, but I have to say, this one was a hard one for me aesthetically.

Then the winds shifted, and here we are, everyone sticking close to home, doing a lot less shopping, and really, for the most part, only buying what is needed. This is reminding us all, of all that is important, and perhaps, all that is not.

So now I would like to use the term ‘less is more’, for real this time. It’s not about looking stark or not having what you love, but really just realizing how much we have that perhaps we just don’t need. I would like to call this ‘less is more’ trend, practical living. For me, I’m even trying to embrace a capsule wardrobe now too … a bit more practical in my wardrobe as well.

Check out these beautiful photos embracing practical living.